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FL wants to tax Shuttle Landings??

Posted by salestax on April 1, 2008

OK, so I admit, I don’t quite understand this article, but it sounds as if Florida is contemplating taxing NASA on it’s purchases of Shuttles.  Just as it does airplanes purchased in Florida.  The “refurb” statement seems to be out of line, but my thinking is…. isn’t NASA a Federal Agency?  I always thought it was – maybe I’m mistaken.  If you know for sure, please leave me a comment.

It is against the U.S. Constitution for a State to tax the Federal Government. 

3 Responses to “FL wants to tax Shuttle Landings??”

  1. Tax Aficionado said

    My first reaction was: How can the FL DOR be so stupid as to suggest taxing the Federal Government? But then again, we are dealing with the FL DOR, an agency that has a long reputation for corruption, mismanagement and overall stupidity.

    If they even attempt to tax space shuttle landings, you can almost guarantee that the Federal government will pick a different location for the space shuttle program, if not for the entire NASA complex.

    There are too many states out there that could use the work- Texas, Maryland, Alabama, Louisiana & California-just to name a few that already have a NASA presence of some sort & would love for more of those high-paying goverment contractor jobs to come to them.

    Florida DOR-Are you listening?? Probably not.

  2. Not to beat a dead horse here, but it appears that the space shuttle program as we know it is scheduled to expire sometime in 2011.

    “The bleakest forecast was issued for the flagship Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral, Fla., where just 1,600 to 2,300 employees were expected to remain in 2011, a cut of up to 80 percent from its current 8,000 workers.” Source: Fox News

    That said, what does FL hope to achieve by taxing a program that is scheduled to expire?,2933,344852,00.html

  3. Eric the CPA said

    Please take note that this article was published on April 1st. The FLDOR may be rapacious, but they aren’t stupid. The article was an amusing demonstration of using inductive fallacy to ridicule a FLDOR tax position on aircraft use tax.

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